By Judith E. Lipson, M.A., LPC
If you have been reading my articles, you already know the terms Indigo, Crystal and Star Children. These children (and adults) whose traits include being wise, intuitive and caring, often seem like old souls. I also recognize their growing multi-dimensional qualities. They know the importance of peace, love, acceptance, and unity for all beings – human and otherwise – and for Earth herself.
Being multi-dimensional means being aware of dimensions that many others are not yet aware. One dimension that is recognized is the energy within and around us. Perceiving this energy as thought, images or sounds, and accessing information from your inner and outer environment, including across time and space, brings a wider range of knowledge.
What happens if you are one-dimensional, with minimal to no awareness of the additional information, or even its availability, and your child or student is multi-dimensional? I’m noting in my practice that these children realize that they can access more knowledge and subconsciously believe they must take care of their parent, constantly monitoring the adult’s comfort levels and feeling immense responsibility for the well-being of their parent. This is not a healthy situation for the child, the parent, or the relationship.
Does your child act like he or she needs to take care of you? This pattern can be changed.
I have had the privilege of counseling children and pre-teens that attend sessions with their parents. I have observed when the child knows s/he accesses more information than the parent, and so believes that s/he knows more. While this may be true in regards to multi-dimensional information and existential knowledge, it is important for these families to remember and discuss together that parents still have the benefit of “years on Earth”. This means that the parent has very important information for the multi-dimensional children in regard to day-to-day life skills. Please remember parents and teachers: though you are working with incredibly smart individuals, multi-dimensional children are not mini-adults. Similar to gifted children whose knowledge base is above age level, their emotional and age-related skills are not as developed. Children must be children.
Explain to your multi-dimensional child that you can take care of yourself. Here’s an example of this conversation: (Incidentally, these are not non-verbal children, but they don’t have familiarity with words for these types of dialogues, so they primarily respond with facial and body language.)
Judy: I notice how you keep checking on Mom to be sure that she is doing okay.
Child: (nods yes)
J: You know you and I often talk about things that your mom doesn’t seem to understand.
C: (nods)
J: That’s okay. Your mom has information about other things.
C: (looks at me questioningly)
J: There are so many things happening with friends and school and stuff that you really don’t understand. Right?
C: (nods yes emphatically)
J: These are things that I know about, but so do your mom and dad, and your teachers, and other adults. Trust them, just like you trust me.
C: (understands)
J: There are many things that you know about that the adults don’t yet, and there will be times for you to explain it to us. There are also many things that we know about and you don’t. This is our job. And it’s all okay. Here’s another really important thing: Mom’s job is to take care of herself, not you taking care of Mom.
C: (looks over at mom with deep eyes that question if this will work)
Parent: (confidently looks back) Yes, I can take care of myself. You don’t need to do this.
J: Shall we begin to let this change happen? Won’t it feel good?
C: (Nods emphatically)
Periodically the child may look back to check on mom, but I recognize it as it occurs and assure them mom is okay. Mom confirms. Later I point out when the child does not check so I can reinforce that behavior.
Though your child has multi-dimensional awareness, s/he will often require explicit instruction to understand how to navigate social and other situations. Teachers and parents can appropriately guide multi-dimensional children while still acknowledging their gifts.
It is imperative that we learn to recognize the gifts that both groups – one-dimensional and multi-dimensional – can impart to the other, and to the whole. The multi-dimensional share the big picture, remind us of what’s true, and show us what we as individuals and society can attain. In turn, those who are single-dimensional can provide loving, protective support for the multi-dimensional to develop their natural gifts and to provide social skills for the world that they are trying to navigate.
We have an opportunity to listen to those who live multi-dimensionally and learn what they can offer to us now, and for our future. Especially when they are in adulthood, it is likely that those with multi-dimensional abilities will guide us to never-before thinking that can deliver us from many of our current problems, and into a world of peace, love and oneness.
Judy Lipson is a Licensed Professional Counselor and educational strategist in West Bloomfield, MI. She helps clients of all ages who have learning difficulties; work or school related anxiety; ADHD; Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorders; and those who wish to Remember and Become ‘Who You Really Are’. Contact Judy at 248.568.8665 and, and visit for more information.
This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to replace medical care.