These presentations can be tailored for small and large audiences.
“There Are No Lazy Students”
Students who have been labeled lazy or unmotivated often lack the basic skills needed to succeed. This presentation offers effective practices for working with underachieving students in the areas of:
- Organization and Time Management
- Reading and Writing Strategies
- Homework and Study Skills
- Anxiety Management
Understanding Students on the Autism Spectrum (ASD)
This presentation focuses on the social, sensory and academic challenges related to working with these students. Among the areas of discussion are:
- Strategies for addressing academic function
- Issues related to tactile sensitivity (clothing, food and touch)
- Issues related to visual, auditory, attentiveness, body tone, etc.
- Strategies for developing students’ inherent gifts rather than focusing on their ‘weaknesses’
Social Empowerment in Challenging Situations
Bullying – and being bullied – once was accepted as a “normal” part of childhood. Now it is recognized as harmful, and often dangerous, to both victim and aggressor. This workshop is designed for both students and the adults charged with their well-being. It focuses on:
- Helping students learn to advocate for themselves
- Setting boundaries for oneself and others
- Learning to use appropriate body language and verbal techniques
- Communicating with adults
- The responsibility of bystanders
Anxiety Management and Stress Reduction
Anxiety plagues all of us at sometime in our lives. But what is anxiety really? Can any good come from being anxious? If so, how do we use it to our advantage and if not, how do we get rid of it? This workshop provides information about:
- Symptoms and causes of anxiety and stress
- Ways to release, reduce and avoid its symptoms
- Relaxation and cognitive reframing techniques
- Importance of exercise and nutrition
Participants will engage in movement and relaxation exercises to learn real techniques for immediate and on-going practice.